Saturday 17 December 2011

 There is part of you that is perfect and pure. It is untouched by the less than perfect characteristics you've acquired by living in this world. It is filled with divine qualities, so is a constant state of resourcefulness and well-being. Its total absence of conflict and negativity of any sort makes this part of you a Still-Point; a deep, enriching experience of Silence. Make time to practise reaching this inner place of Silence. It will bring you untold benefit.  
At the end of the day, on the wings of your thoughts, go beyond the cares and troubles of the world. Remove your mind from everything and everyone, and become blissfully detached, like a star.  
Like a star, be free to radiate light, for your essence is light and peace. Enjoy the simplicity of the night sky, the peace. And then, when you want to, you can shoot down to earth.

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