Sunday 4 December 2011

Many posts here, have addressed mental aspects of healing ourselves, the idea of 'changing our minds and keeping the change.'  Here are some words, from a dear friend of mine, about getting these concepts into our bodies, down deep under our skin to heal ourselves:

"I've come to understand my approach to pain. To me there are two basic kinds. One kind is benign, no actual further harm is being done to the body. This kind of pain I can apologize to my body for and step out of. 

The other kind of pain is not benign and it is signalling me that damage is being done to the physical body and I need to address its cause and clear it immediately to prevent further damage to the structure. This kind of pain requires I find the source and sometimes it requires the help of a physician to do so. This kind of pain requires mental and physical effort to correct. I research and understand the underlying cause then find a loop hole and work from there. If the cause is degenerative discs then I support the body with the needed nutrients and begin to dream the necessary repairs. I have moved out of the Parkinson, diabetic neuropathy range in the healing process and into the repair of the structure range. 

My morning walks are always pain free now and by late afternoon I am reassessing as the pain starts to build. The time spent each day dealing with it is less and less, and we are at the NO MEDICATION stage now. That's a big step in caring for the body. I have a running dialogue with my body, continually thanking it for supporting my incarnation and journey. It deserves all the love and care I can give it." ~ Judith

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